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Best States for Remote Workers

The number of remote workers in America has grown steadily since 2020. Over twelve percent of employees are now fully remote, while another 28 percent work from home at least part of the week. For these professionals, the right work environment depends largely on where they live, not where they work. Because housing and internet can vary considerably from place to place, working from home is easier in some parts of the country than others. Telecommuting lets you live where you choose, so if you’re interested in starting over someplace new, you might want to begin by exploring our list of the best states for remote workers.

Working Environment vs. Living Environment

Though choosing where to live can be a complicated decision, choosing where to work is comparatively simple. For remote workers, there are only two factors to bear in mind: their working environment and their living environment.

Working Environment

When experts discuss a virtual employee’s working environment, they aren’t referring to the employee’s house. Instead, they’re discussing how easy it is for them to work their preferred schedule and carry out their responsibilities away from the office. When experts evaluate a remote working environment, they look at:

  • State’s Share of Remote Workers. A high percentage of remote workers indicates the business community supports remote work.
  • Share of Potential Remote Positions. Certain roles offer flexibility. The more jobs that can be done at home, the more likely it is that a worker will be able to find another remote position if they have to switch companies.
  • Households with Internet Access. High speed broadband allows workers to share work, access resources, and communicate with colleagues, clients, and supervisors.
  • Cybersecurity. Considers the prevalence of digital threats such as malware, ransomware, and phishing, as well as the security measures and digital safeguards set up to combat them.

In short, the best states for remote work combine strong infrastructure with a thriving service economy and non-traditional office culture. Often, they’re home to industries that operate across multiple regions, such as web development, customer service, and digital marketing.

Living Environment

When you work from home, your house becomes your office. A lot of expenses that would normally be paid by your employer are suddenly shifted back onto you. These include:

  • Cost of Electricity. Computers are energy efficient, but running them eight hours a day has a significant impact on your electric bill.
  • Price of Internet. Areas that charge a low price per Mbps (MegaBytes Per Second) are more conducive to remote work.
  • Wired, Low-Price Internet Plans. Fiber internet is more reliable than cable, DSL, and dial-up. It also has high upload and download speeds. Some areas offer this service for a small price, while others charge a higher one due to infrastructure, market forces, and government regulation.

But besides the cost of running a home office, remote workers also need to account for the size and quality of their living situation. Analysts recommend you look at:

  • Share of Detached Homes. Single family housing generally provides more space and privacy than an apartment. It’s also less noisy.
  • Average Floor Space. Areas with cheap land and low population density tend to have large homes available at an affordable price.
  • Size of Lots. Access to outdoor space improves mental health. Backyards, patios, and gardens give you an opportunity to step outside and get some fresh air during breaks.
  • Number of Person per Square Foot. Crowded homes create distractions. States where each member of the household has enough room to spread out are more favorable to remote work.

Keep in mind that these criteria apply only to your immediate environment. Some places that make it easy to run a home office may not cater to your interests. Fortunately, the best states for remote workers provide a strong mix of urban and rural settings.

Best States to Work Remotely

While no state scores perfectly on all markers, some definitely do better than others. For anyone interested in remote work, here are the top five states to consider.

  • New Jersey. Widespread access to low-cost, high-speed internet makes New Jersey one of the best states for remote work. Over a third of the state works from home and the diverse economy provides plenty of opportunities in finance, healthcare, technology, and pharmaceuticals.
  • Utah. With an average home size of 2,800 square feet, Utah gives you lots of space to spread out. It also has a high share of detached homes and remote workers. Almost 40 percent of the state works off-site at least one day a week.
  • Delaware. Delaware is number one in internet speed, coverage, and availability. It also has plenty of spacious, single-family homes at a relatively good price.
  • Maryland. Maryland has more remote workers than any place in America. Over 40 percent of its labor force works from home at least part time. It’s also number three in terms of internet speed, coverage, and availability and seventh in home size.
  • Connecticut. Over 99 percent of people living in Connecticut have access to 100Mbps broadband, giving it some of the fastest internet in the country. In addition, comfortable homes and a strong service economy make this a great state for telecommuters.

Remote workers have become such a force in the economy that some states have introduced tax incentives to try and lure more of them. Though these programs are still in their early stages, virtual employees interested in moving to Vermont, Hawaii, Indiana, West Virginia, or New Jersey may be eligible for financial assistance. As remote work grows more popular, people interested in working from home will likely have even more choices and opportunities in the years to come.

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