How to Support your Employees During Relocation to India

office employees

International work relocations are becoming more prevalent in today's society. Whether the initial reason for the relocation is for the employer or the employee’s benefit, both parties have a lot to gain from the experience. With that being said, overseas moves can be tricky, and often require quite a bit of support in order to be successful and sustainable. This is particularly true for those moving to India for work, where workplace and cultural norms might differ quite drastically from what the individual is accustomed to.

If your employee is about to embark on this journey, here are some of our Allied moving experts’ tips and guidelines on how you can support them.

Choosing India

With 195 countries around the world, why choose India for your employee’s relocation?

Employee benefits

Over the last few decades, India has grown into a thriving hub for professionals working in sectors like tech, management, IT, HR, recruitment, and more. This broad spectrum of professions makes India an attractive destination for those wanting to continue their career development while getting a taste of a different culture and lifestyle.

Company benefits

Facilitating an employee relocation to India may seem like a tedious task at first, however it’s also important to consider the many potential benefits to your company. If your business does not already operate in India, then moving an employee over can help to boost your company’s international presence, connecting you with other businesses, vendors, and opportunities in India. If there is already an established presence in India, then moving an employee from their home country can be a great way to increase diversity in the local workforce, helping to combine cultures and develop other employees, professionally and personally, through the experience.

Preparing for the Relocation

International relocations take time and planning, so you should aim to get started at least a few months before the intended moving date.

Work rights

There are a number of work permits and visas in India, most with strict criteria to be met in order to be granted. You may choose to work with an immigration agency or lawyer who already understands the process, or you could opt to arrange this part yourself. With the amount of documentation you will need to provide, and the processing times for these permits and visas, we recommend taking this as the first step in the relocation process.

Depending on whether or not your company already operates in India, you may also need to look into the legal details of working as an expat in India

Moving costs

International relocations can run up a big bill, especially if the employee is relocating with their family. To help ease the financial burden, many companies offer moving packages or cost allowances. These can include flights, temporary accommodation, a contribution towards long-term accommodation, and help covering moving or shipping costs.

Cultural adaption support

Depending on where your employee is relocating from, adapting to life in India can be a big change, and there are ways that you can help to support your staff in approaching this hurdle. 

While English is an official language in seven states and seven union territories in India, Hindi is the most widely spoken language, with over 43% of the population using it. In many cases, it can be worthwhile to provide language classes or resources to your employee prior to their relocation. This can help them in day-to-day endeavours as simple as going to the shop.

Expats working in India can also be subjected to culture shock after they arrive. A great way to prepare them for this is to put them in contact with someone already there who can help to talk them through some aspects that they might find new or challenging. 

On Arrival

The need to support your employees during the move doesn’t end when they arrive!

Make them feel welcome

Expats in any new country want to feel welcome. You can help with this by linking your employee with other employees or individuals who the company is connected with in India. Even if just for the first couple of days or weeks, having a network in their new home will have a big impact on their overall experience.

Maintain communication

Keeping open channels of communication with your employee is sure to help them feel supported in India. This can be video calls and check-ins, or messages back and forth. Whatever works for your company, the aim of this is to keep everyone in the loop and help to manage expectations on all sides.

Gather insight

Professional relocations can be an educational experience for all those involved. By maintaining communication with the employee in India and learning from them, companies can gather the necessary information and feedback needed to adjust and improve the process, and support future moves.

Contact Us

When planning an international relocation for work, the Allied international moving team in India are experts in the field. We can help with everything from packing and shipping to storage, vehicle relocation, pet transportation, and more. Get in touch with our team today to find out more about our comprehensive moving services.