How to Prepare your Home for Moving Companies in the UAE

preparing to move

Whether you’re planning a local or international relocation from the UAE, you have the option to hire a moving company to help make the process easier. At Allied, our expert movers work efficiently, taking care of your belongings as if they were their own. When it comes to using movers, there are a number of steps that you can take in advance to prepare your home.

Whether you choose to hire a moving company to lend a helping hand, or you decide to tackle the task yourself, preparing your home in advance is a sure-fire way to set yourself up for a successful moving experience!

Why Hire Movers?

Hiring professional movers can come at a cost, but with the full range of services we provide at Allied, as well as access to world class moving insurance and professional move consultants, the value you get from the experience is worth it. Having expert help during a move enables you to take a step back and let others handle the heavy lifting, giving you more time to focus on your own journey.

Preparing Your Home

As most moving companies charge an hourly rate, the less time your movers need to spend in your home, the less money their services will cost you. This means that having your home prepared and ready for movers is important, not only for your peace of mind, but for your bank account, too.

Start early

Moving can seem like a mammoth task, which might make it difficult and daunting to get started. While it’s easy to procrastinate, the sooner you start packing, the more organised you’ll be as the moving day approaches. Our Allied movers recommend starting to prepare your home around six weeks in advance, leaving plenty of time for bumps in the road.

Follow a checklist

One of the best tools you can have when preparing your home for moving is a checklist. You can make your own checklist from scratch, work from Allied's moving checklist, or use ours as inspiration to create one that’s tailored to your home and needs. You might be thinking that making a checklist is a waste of time when you have so much else to focus on, but this handy tool will help to keep you accountable to your timeline, and can give you a direction to work in.

Work room-by-room

Many people find that preparing their home is less intimidating when they focus on just one room at a time. Start with the rooms you use the least, like the garage, or storage cupboards, and work your way up to your most-used rooms towards the end. Not only will this allow you to ease into things, but it means that your favourite rooms can stay as you want them until closer to the end.

Declutter as you go

Moving creates the perfect opportunity for some spring cleaning and a clutter clear out. As you work your way through your home room-by-room to prepare for moving companies, you can also decide what to bring with you and what to get rid of. While going through each room, make ‘keep’, ‘sell', ‘donate’, and ‘throw out’ piles. This is also good to plan early, as you’ll need extra time to arrange online sales and to find the best places to bring different types of donations.

Pack smart

As you pack everything up, organise your moving boxes in a way that will make their contents obvious to movers. Best practice is to label each box on three sides so that it can be seen from different angles, and also note if it contains heavy or fragile items. Including which room it belongs in also means that your movers can group boxes together based on their room, so they can onload them into the correct place, too. If you want to save extra time, you can also engage the help of Allied's packing services.

Clean up

Save yourself from a big deep clean in your last week at home and take care of this as you go through each room. Having a clean environment to work in will make the process easier for your movers, and when your home is empty, all you’ll need to do is a superficial clean before you leave.

Prepare appliances

As we’ve mentioned already, the less time your movers have to spend in your home, the better. Ensuring your large appliances are prepared for transportation is an important part of this. In the final week before the move, you should use up any food in the fridge and freezer, and let it defrost fully a couple of days before the movers come. You can also prepare your washing machine by turning off the water source and disconnecting it so that it’s ready to be picked up on moving day.

Contact Allied

If your moving date is approaching and your to-do list is growing, don’t panic! You can get in touch with Allied UAE to speak with one of our experienced team members. Together, we can help plan and pull off your move, getting you set up in your new home in no time.