How to Make Friends as an Expat in the UAE

people in downtown dubai

Whether this is your first international relocation or you have a few already under your belt, certain aspects of expat life require some extra care. Particularly if moving to a country with a different culture than what you’re used to, making friends as an expat is worth dedicating some preparation time to.

Abu Dhabi and Dubai are home to the UAE’s largest expat communities, with people from all around the world embracing the warm weather, lavish lifestyle, and tax benefits that they offer. If you’re moving to a smaller city, you can expect to find a proportionally smaller amount of expats to connect with.

Wherever you’re moving from, and wherever you’re moving to, making friends as an expat in the UAE will be a breeze if you follow our Allied professional advice!

Before You Arrive

Are you preparing for a solo move to the UAE? Or maybe you’re moving with friends, colleagues, or family. Whatever your circumstances, if making new friends in the UAE is something that you’re apprehensive about, then take some of the pressure off and plan ahead!

Get online

Thanks to the widespread use of social media, the world is now more connected than ever. You’ll find various expat groups and pages across social media platforms and forums, so be proactive in joining these and getting involved in discussions. Remember, most members of these pages either have been or currently are in the same position as you, so don’t be afraid to introduce yourself ahead of the move. You don’t have to disclose too many personal details to get the ball rolling; sharing your name, interests, and a loose timeframe of your arrival can be enough to garner a few responses from other members.

Utilise connections

The world can be a small place, and there’s a chance that someone you know, or an extension of someone you know, has made the move to the UAE before. Networking is a fantastic professional tool, and can be great in your personal life too, so use your connections and reach out to anyone you may know. It could be a high school or university acquaintance, an old neighbour, an ex-colleague, or a friend of a friend - however you’re connected, let them know that you’re on your way and would be keen to meet up and get their advice on life in the city.

Hit the Ground Running

With boxes to unpack, utilities to set up, and every other chore that comes with moving, taking time out to make friends is a great way to get out of the house and unwind.

Participation points

Remember those expat groups you joined on social media before moving to the UAE? Now’s the time to add meetups to your calendar and put yourself out there. With so many expats in the UAE, there’s a regular stream of opportunities for newcomers to meet up and get to know one another.

Join a team

Team sports are popular among expats all around the globe, so have a look for something that you enjoy and sign up! If there’s a sport that you love but can’t find a team for, take advantage of this and start your own.

Remember, you don’t have to be particularly skilled to be successful, this is more about the social side of sport than it is about winning (although that’s always a bonus)!

Pursue a new hobby

If there’s a new skill you’ve been wanting to learn, then now’s a great time to try it out. Knitting, tennis, cooking, learning a new language - you name it, there’s probably a class for it. Better yet, it will be filled with like-minded people that you can confidently assume you already share an interest with.

If you’re looking for inspiration or to find a way to connect with locals, consider volunteering for an organisation like Emirates Red Crescent. Dragon boat racing is another activity that’s growing in popularity in the UAE and brings Emiratis and foreigners together.

Stay persistent

Forming a new circle of friends is a marathon, not a race, so be prepared to commit some time to it. Keep an eye on pages and group chats, be a yes-person when it comes to accepting invites, and you’ll start to develop connections in no time.

Make the Move Easier

Moving means you probably already have a lot on your plate, so make it easier by hiring an expert moving service like Allied UAE. Our highly-trained teams offer a variety of moving services in the UAE, giving you more time and energy to focus on getting settled in your new home. Contact us to start planning your next big move